Jul 24, 2009


In a perfect world I would never have to write this letter. In a perfect world there wouldn’t be a need for it. In a perfect world this pain…absent. In a perfect world we would accept people for who and what they are. No strings, complete honesty, total acceptance, no matter what. In this imperfect world we live in, there is no longer dignity in telling the truth.

This is the hardest letter I have ever written. I know my revelation has caused you great pain. I know you have questions about how and why I’m bisexual. I’ve spent the last forty-eight hours trying to explain it to my father. I’ve spent the last eight years trying to understand it myself.

Sorry is such a simple word….yet it is the only word that comes to mind in expressing how I feel about what has happened with us. Love is such a simple yet powerful word, yet it’s the only word that describes my feelings for you.

-Invisible Life 1991
E. Lynn Harris

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